Series LLC
A Series LLC, also known as a series limited liability company, is a unique legal structure that allows for the creation of multiple separate series or divisions within a single LLC. Each series operates as an independent entity with its own assets, liabilities, and members, providing liability protection and flexibility for businesses with multiple ventures or investments. This structure enables businesses to manage and segregate risks, assets, and operations more efficiently while maintaining the benefits of a single legal entity.
A Series LLC, also known as a series limited liability company, is a unique legal structure that allows for the creation of multiple separate series or divisions within a single LLC. Each series operates as an independent entity with its own assets, liabilities, and members, providing liability protection and flexibility for businesses with multiple ventures or investments. This structure enables businesses to manage and segregate risks, assets, and operations more efficiently while maintaining the benefits of a single legal entity.
A Series LLC, also known as a series limited liability company, is a unique legal structure that allows for the creation of multiple separate series or divisions within a single LLC. Each series operates as an independent entity with its own assets, liabilities, and members, providing liability protection and flexibility for businesses with multiple ventures or investments. This structure enables businesses to manage and segregate risks, assets, and operations more efficiently while maintaining the benefits of a single legal entity.