If your company is current with the state it is in, we can re-domicile or file for a certificate of continuation to move your company to Wyoming for, in some cases, less than what you are being charged this year for fees.
How it Works
You can move any type of US company. An LLC, corporation, partnership, or public company to Wyoming. This is also called a Continuance.
Your company must be current with your state. The date for its renewal needs to be at least 2 to 4 weeks away from the time you give us the order, to transfer the corporation to Wyoming.
We will send you an electronic document to sign giving us the right to move the company. Then we will order a Certificate of Good Standing and Certified copies of the Articles from your state. Once we have those in hand we will combine those with the paperwork for Wyoming and submit it.
About a week after that, we will send you a new corporate kit, if ordered. It will include 20 new share certificates, a new corporate seal, and suggested meetings. We will also include the Articles of Dissolution that you must file with your current state. You may have to pay them a fee to file this.
Once that is done you are done paying your state. Your company will show as dissolved in your state’s database. In the Wyoming database, it will show that it was a company formed in your state on such and such a date, moved to Wyoming on the date it was recorded in Wyoming.
Benefits of a Wyoming Corporation
Your yearly fee to the State of Wyoming will be $60, assuming that you have no assets located inside the state.
Your company could come under the best asset protection laws in the nation.
You will retain the original formation date of the company.
You will retain the same tax id number.
You will not have to move assets to a newly formed company, risking federal taxes.
Our law practice has been incorporating and protecting assets since 1992.
Price & Logistics
If you are moving a business to another state, check with your attorney to see if your company is doing anything that would require it to be registered in the state you are moving from.
The cost to re-domicile is $595 plus any fees that your current state charges for documents and filings.