The C Corporation is the standard (or default) corporation under IRS rules. The S Corporation is a corporation that has elected a special tax status with the IRS and therefore has some tax advantages.
Both business structures get their names from the parts of the Internal Revenue Code that they are taxed under. C corporations are taxed under Subchapter C while S Corporations are taxed under Subchapter S. To elect S corporation status when forming a corporation, Form 2553 must be filed with the IRS and all S corporation guidelines met.
Included in California Corporation Package
All State formation filing fees for the first year
Corporate name check
Certified Articles of Incorporation
All paperwork filed with the State
Digital binder with bylaws, first meeting minutes, and resolutions
Order a Corporate Binder and the following will also be included
All of the above plus a deluxe corporate binder with the corporate name embossed that includes:
Engraved corporate hand-press seal with pouch
20 Pre-Printed Stock Certificates
Corporate By-Laws
Minutes for first Board of Directors meeting
Stock Transfer Register
Application and instructions for Employer Identification Number (SS-4 Form) and
Free Ground shipping in the US
Price & Time Frame
Our normal service completes the formation of your LLC in 10 working days, which includes all filing with the State. To get the papers back from the State and another 3 to 4 days to mail the kit to you, if ordered.
Remember, you must file Form 2553 with the IRS to elect S Status. We offer 1-day Form 2553 filing service for $50.
$1495.00 one-time charge